Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Selling Off of My Childhood

Subtitle: And how I am O.K. with it.

My Mom is moving. In doing so, she is consolidating her possessions, and sending much of the excess my way. Particularly the excess that is somehow related to my childhood. Lately, I have had to sort through boxes and boxes of old pictures, baby clothes, school projects and general knick knackery associated with my youth. I am actually kind of amazed with what she kept, as my mother isn't much of a pack rat. I am also amazed at what truly does not matter to me.

I definitely grew up lower middle class, but we were never lacking for 'Stuff'. I always had what was needed and then some. This has left me with a small stash of somewhat valuable, collectible, now vintage toys. Namely, an American Girl Doll circa 1988 and various accoutrement. This doll was a big deal when I got it. It was almost my whole Christmas present that year. My best friend also had one. It was something I had coveted for ages. They were not cheap, so I am sure my Mom really had to do some work to swing it.

As it turns out. This thing has a significant re-sell value. The doll in question is now retired. The company has since been purchase by Matel, making the pre-Matel dolls, like I have, more valuable. Huh. Wow. I think that's better than it sitting in my closet.

Even though I have all these great memories associated with this doll, and what my parents did to get it for me, I don't feel those are diminished by not actually having the item anymore. Its not like I get the thing out and think fondly of my parents. It just sits there. On the off chance I do have a daughter, she is going to want her own doll and her own memories. My story isn't going to mean a whole lot to an eight year old. I have been wracking my brain about it, and I can't find a reason to keep it.

This isn't the only item I feel this way about, although its probably the most valuable. The money will certainly be nice to have right now, but more than that. There just isn't any reason to hang on to what isn't enhancing my life in any way.
People collect these things and find enjoyment from that. I don't. It's that simple.

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