Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yup, that's me. I am a terrible blogger. I thought I'd be better, but I'm really not.
Not that that will keep me from trying.

To catch up on the financial doings of February thus far -

Yes, the Husband is still unemployed. *Sigh* It's very sad. We are trying not to get discouraged. There is lots and lots of talk about March, but so far its just talk. I am not holding my breath and we are focusing on the things we can control.

We got our tax return. Awesome. We really needed it this month, not so much to survive off of. Really just to bowie my feelings of despair about not being about to add any money to savings, since we are operating under the worst case scenario budget.

Not to put to fine a point on it (ok, lets), we got $4665 total. I banks $2900 into savings accounts, and an additional $200 into the IRA. The rest was used to cover some miscellaneous expenses, and also to fun what I am sure will be a very stupid decision, which I am going to make anyway. Ominous, I know. More on this later.

We have done a very good job earning miscellaneous income! The total for the month so far is $765. The Husband is largely responsible for this. Luckily, the work he was planning to do for a friend panned out a little bit better than expected. However, I haven't done to shabby of a job myself; Ebay selling and survey taking have really been good to us. I even participated in my very first in person market research study, which was awesome! I made $125 in a hour for talking about pet food. Sweet!

The bad news on the miscellaneous income front, is that I fear we are largely tapped out. There maybe one more round of DVD selling to do, but my list is getting shorter.
We are currently in brain storming mode for more money making ideas.

I am just starting to do the month end wrap up and put together March's budget. Needless to say we made it through our shortfall for the month.

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