Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stupid Little Things

Trent over at The Simple Dollar has been doing a series on Savings Pennies or Dollars in which he examines many traditionally frugal ideas, doing a cost benefit analysis. Basically it's supposed to determine whether or not these practices are worth the time and energy. Are they truly frugal?

I've found these posts thought provoking. Mostly because, as I've cultivated my frugal lifestyle, I find myself with many such unexamined habits. These little things that I do which save me money, albeit not much, but some small amounts of money here, there and yon. These are things I am often mocked for by friends and family if/when they ever realize what it is I am actually doing and why.

Yes, they are dumb. Yes, in many cases, I am probably saving pennies, not dollars. No, the one small little act probably doesnt amount to much in the way of money savings. The point to me is that they are good habits. Over the course of time, those pennies saved add up. If I can keep these habits as just that, habits, in which I am doing it without a lot of thought process, and expending as little effort as possible, then those pennies cost me nothing. If you catch my drift.

This is a list of some of my stupid little things....

Filling up my water bottle before leaving work or the gym.
I drink a lot of water in my handy dandy reusable bottles. We have a water cooler at work. The gym has a filtered, chilled fountain. If I take the second to fill up on my way, that's just a little less water I drink from home.

Religiously bringing my bags to the grocery store, and asking for the credit.
Some stores in my area have taken to 'donating' your .05 or .10 bag credit for you. I make my own donations thanks. I want my nickel! It only takes a second to ask.

Unplugging the microwave/coffee pot/computer peripherals/TVwhen not in use.
Oh how that little microwave display clock haunts me! I have all the things I turn off regularly on conveniently located power strips. In some cases, this is pennies, but as long as its only seconds of time, I'm ok with that. Also, I'm betting our big plasma TV is more of a phantom draw than you think.

Washing my hair every OTHER day.
This is a somewhat recent one. I shower every day and always thoroughly rinse my hair, but I've recently discovered that washing my hair every other day, makes very little difference. I use pretty expensive shampoo. This cuts my shampoo consumption, well, in half. It also cuts down on my shower time. Another money saver.

Washing my lunch dishes at work
Im a brown-bagger through and through. I tote my lunch in mostly glass containers. After I'm through, I take the second to wash those in the break room sink. Gives me a nice excuse to get up from my desk. Uses their water and soap, and I come home with a bag full of clean dishes, ready to be re-used.

I reserve the right to add to this list, as more of these inevitably pop into my brain.

These are the somewhat random things. There are all the other 'standards' too (line drying, laundry soap, leftovers, etc). While I'm sure the above net me only pennies, they are so ingrained into my daily life, I don't think about them. If I can auto-pilot a few couple pennies a day, why the heck not?

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