Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things Forgotten: Groceries Check-In

As I am ruminating on my once a month shopping strategy and money spent thus far, I remember GAK! The CSA box.

We get a lovely box of fruits and veggies every other week from a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm. This is a pretty sophisticated operation, as these things go. Its year round, so while much of it is local, they do trade/supplement with farms down the West Coast and into Mexico. However, there is a handy dandy web interface, which tells me where everything comes from and allows me to pick and choose what I'd like for the week. Its generally awesome all around. Definitely, something I like to support.

I feel like the box provides a generous amount of produce. So much so that we don't even need it every week. If ever any particular item is not up to snuff, a quick email merits me a credit on my next box.

A credit towards the $36 per box.

I am not adjusting the $650 max target for the month. We've spent $513, leaving us $137. Minus the forgotten CSA subscription of $72, this leaves me only $65 for the month. Again, with the GAK!

Its only the 7th for crying out loud. I have 3 shopping trips remaining! Thats about $21.50 per trip.

I know the cost of living here is high. I am also aware that we eat pretty high on the hog. Nonetheless, it seems to me somewhat ridiculous that 2 not-large people who eat at home the vast majority of the time, can butt up against a $650 grocery budget.

This month is going to be a rather enlightening, work in progress to get expenses identified, reigned in, and figure out what truly is do-able for us.

In the mean time, GAK!

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