Monday, January 4, 2010

Money Saving Monday

As part of my new retail life experience, I now have a weekday off, Mondays. I find on Mondays I am largely left to my own devices. The husband of course works that day, dogs are quiet, and the world is still a bit sleepy from the weekend. Up until now, the day has been about working out and puttering around the house. While, I still want to do those things, a bit of focus would be nice. Enter the Money Saving Monday. Just one day a week where I try to accomplish tasks, small or large that in some way save me a little moola. I have the time set aside, and the rest of the week to brainstorm on ideas for it.

I came across this by chance, as today my regularly scheduled to-do list, just so happened to consist of the following:
-Calling the cable company to negotiate a better rate.
-Canceling my WeightWatchers membership and
-Calling Roomba technical support to see about a new battery.

Whether or not calling Roomba got me anywhere remains to be seen. I need to troubleshoot, charge and call back next week (grrr!). However, the Cable Company phone call saved be about $21 month (woot!) and canceling WeightWatchers saved $17. Cha-Ching. That's $38 no longer spoken for in the monthly budget.

I wish each week could be quite as successful, but that's not exactly realistic. How often can one call Comcast to whine? (hmmmm....) Plus, I just don't have that many extraneous services to cancel. Nonetheless, if I can use my day-off when businesses are open, call queues are generally shorter, and I've several uninterrupted hours to keep up some of that momentum, the sky's the limit really.

As an aside, lowering the cable bill is in lieu of canceling the cable out right, which was actually a New Years goal. I have until the 10th to think that one over.

Possibilities for next week:
Insulating windows/outlets (a bit overdue)
Lowering the temp on the hot water heater
Sorting/selling clothes
Calling/shopping around for improved insurance rates
The Roomba follow-up (assuming the trouble shooting doesn't work).

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