Sunday, January 10, 2010

When it rains...

In addition to our car drama, I now have to figure out how to pay for a cell phone plan in something of a hurry.

A small confession: Having worked in the IT/Telecommunications industry since I was 18, I have never actually paid for a consumer cell phone. It has always been highly subsidized by my employers, ranging anywhere from completely free to what I pay now, which is 4500 minutes + unlimited text and web for $57 a month on 3 phones. So, needless to say I have been spoiled.

When I got the big layoff in November of '08, the company informed me that I would receive a text message within 30 days instructing me to convert to a consumer plan or be cut off. Well, the text message never came. And never came. And never came. Until, 2 days ago.

After a year and a bit of living in blissful cheap cellphone limbo, I now have 10 days to find a new plan. I've started my research, and I gotta say I am a bit shocked. This shiz is spendy!

Because, my service has always been so cheap, I have had all the bells and whistles. Lots of minutes, data, unlimited texting and fancy phones. We also haven't had a home phone in years.
From what I can tell I'm looking at about $120 - $150/per month. The budget is going to be none to happy with the doubling of a monthly bill. I hate it when my overhead increases!

Now I have to question, how much is getting my email on my phone really worth to me? $30 a month? Right now, I use that service a lot, but for a $1 a day? Its been so long since I have had a cellphone without data. What the heck would I use it for?

Then there are the contracts. Two years! I have to commit to this company for 2 years of my life! or be faced with exorbitant fees! The pressure is on to make the right decision.

I know this is a champagne problem to have. Everyone else has already been dealing with it. I got an extra year out of the deal. I should hardly be complaining. For me, its facing a pretty stark reality though. Its the end of an era. Forcing me to deal with the impact of my decisions. Not only do I no longer have an employer who will pay for my cell phone usage, but I make so much less money that paying for my own cell phone plan is a bit of a hardship.

This in combination with the car drama, is leaving me feeling like it will be a busy few weeks. I have much to research and big decisions to make. Decisions about material possessions that, like it or not, will effect my quality of life and expendable income over the course of the next couple YEARS.

What the heck am I gonna come up with?

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