Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Personal Goals 2010

I'm feeling the pinch to get these published before we get to far into 2010. The husband and I decided we each need our own separate set of aspirations. No need to muddy the communal waters with our own personal shiz.

My goals are a little different this year than they usually are. For one thing, they are much more quantifiable than my typical 'Save more money' BS. For another, with recent life changes (job and weight specifically) I have some other categories to add. So, without further ado...

Maintain my weight within 10lb for the whole year, without paying for Weight Watchers.
Between April and September last year, I lost about 50lbs, mostly by using the Weight Watchers program to track my eating and exercise. I have been able to maintain my weight for the last 4+ months since then. I have no desire to pay $16.95 a month for the rest of my life. Yesterday, I canceled my membership. I have set a high water mark, and the caveat is if I hit that I re-sign up for WW. Period.

Run a 5k and a 1/2 Marathon.
I already have the 2 events in mind. For late Spring and summer. The 5k is really just for the event experience, as I run that all the time. I have begun to train for the 1/2 as of this week. I am a little concerned about the costs associated with both.

Maintain my work out schedule.
Currently I get in a minimum of 7 workouts a week. Excessive? Not to me. Its become a social thing and a huge outlet for my stress. I am however focusing on this number, and not going over it too much, particularly as I start to train for the above. Perhaps 7 will be the average, but in any case its my magic number.

Financial : Most of these are covered in our family goals, but there are a couple specific to me.

Spend no money on books.
This is huge. I have never been a good library patron. I like to buy and hoard books. This has become a $18 a shot gamble if I end up not liking said book. I also tend to do big splurge purchases buying half a dozen books at a time. Then I end up with this big backlog on my nightstand, which I get sick of looking at and never plow through. The rules for this are as follow: I can use gift cards that have actually been gifted to me. Not those I have earned via reward points. Other than that, its paperbackswap, the library, begging, borrowing and stealing.

Stay within the limits of the pet budget.
Another biggie for me in recent history. Part of the reason I have always wanted to do what I do now, is because I am passionate about these products. Well, I can talk myself into buying quite a bit during the 40 hours a week I spend at my favorite pet supply. Getting things at cost, there is simply no reason I shouldn't be within the set $100 week budget, or even under it. I need to reign it in, and get this one under control again.

Career: This is where things get a bit nebulous.
I am completely reverting to my old vague wishy-washy goal ways here. I don't want to definitively state that my current position isn't working out. That smacks of failure to me. Plus, we are still coming down from our crazy-busy retail season stress, so maybe things will continue to settle. However, I will say its not all roses.

My incredibly non-specific goal... Figure out what I want to be when I grown up.

More specific? Stay at my current job until at least February. That's the 6 month mark.
I have to give this a fair shake, and that is the absolute minimum. Its not to say that I am going to leave then, but that is the soonest I will allow myself to seriously seek other options.

Hello 2010. Hopefully, not a year of major change. I'm shooting for a year of growth stability.

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