Thursday, January 7, 2010

What a Piece of Crap!

Yes, I have 2 new-ish paid for vehicles. One of them just so happens to be a piece of crap.

The 2008 Nissan X-Terra, purchased brand new, lovingly cared for by the Husband.
In under 3 years this thing has had 2 clutch replacements, 1 fly wheel replacement, the rear-end replaced, and been in a multitude of times for other transmission ailments that can never quite be identified and/or fixed. It literally experienced its first round of problems (clutch #1) after we had owned it 2 weeks.

In recent history it has begun to emit a high pitched whine, which is quite charming. It is currently at the shop (again). The predicted diagnosis is something to do with the timing belt. Suh-weet.

I have thrown absolute tantrums about this car. I have talked to Service Managers at multiple dealerships until I am blue in the face. The Lemon Law isn't applicable because the problems have been different. It has to be 3 attempts to fix the same issue. The transmission/clutch is almost there, but not quite because of what they have diagnosed and fixed. The thing was obviously built at 5pm on a Friday.

And the warranty expires in 2500 miles.

The warranty has been the only thing keeping me from leaving this heap at the dealerships doorstep. It has cost me a considerable amount of time and effort, but no money.

So, what will I do now? I have absolutely ZERO faith in this car. It will break down again. It is only a matter of months, weeks if we are being realistic.

I have to get rid of it. I would like to sell it and purchase a less expensive used car, banking the difference for emergency repairs. That would put me in better shape than I am now, with a car I know is a hunk of junk and no extra money (beyond our savings) to throw at it. It honestly feels smarter to take the used car gamble, than to deal with this thing without a warranty.

I could never sell it privately. I just wouldn't wish that on anyone. Nor am I likely to find a buyer when I present them with my armload of service repairs. My question is will I get a dealerships to cash me out? Will they give me trade-in value higher than the cost of the car I'm buying? To me it seems highly unlikely.

The buying and selling of cars is about my least favorite process in the world. I have to get myself amped up weeks in advance in preparation to defend myself against the mental warfare that is sure to ensue. I have 2500 miles to think about it.

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